Tax Preparation & Planning
Tax Preparation & Planning
At LA Anderson CPA, we personally work with our clients to ensure we accurately and efficiently guide them through income tax planning and preparing income tax returns. By communicating with our clients and taking a proactive and customized approach, we are able to help our clients secure substantial savings.
Our clients benefit from our personalized approach to service and our experience with tax services for individuals, partnerships, corporations and non-profits. We understand that no two tax documents will ever be the same. It’s our goal to create the best experience possible for our clients, and so we provide attentive customer service throughout the process.
Tax laws change every year. Sometimes these changes are considerable, other times they are slight alterations that may mean nothing, or could mean a great deal for those who stay current and understand the policies. That’s why we are continually working to stay up to date on the latest updates in taxation. Our expertise means our clients gain strategic insight to make smart financial decisions that can lead to minimizing current and future tax liabilities.
Tax Services for Businesses
- LLC’s
- Sole Proprietorship
- Corporations
- Income tax
- Sales tax
- Partnerships
Tax Services for Individuals
- Form 1040 Federal Income Tax Return
- Estimated Tax Payment Calculations
- Tax Planning